Saturday, August 9, 2008

Poor little buddy

Jacob has been staying at the daycare at Kristine's work for the past week and a half. It was very convenient because she got to see him a couple of times during the day as well as feed him during her lunch. Unfortunately, he picked up some sort of infection during his stay. Monday and Tuesday we noticed the back of his head and elbows were red and rashy. Wednesday morning, the area on the back of his head now had blisters and felt like there was pus under the skin. So Kristine took him to the doctor that morning to have him checked out. They mashed all the goo out of the blisters and gave him some antibiotic shots. They took a sample of the goo stuff, but we haven't heard back from the lab on the results. We've been applying a topical antibiotic on his head and giving him an oral antibiotic. It's healing nicely, but the back of his little noggin' is a bit ashy. Needless to say, he won't be going back to the daycare at Children's any time soon. Thank goodness the daycare we signed him up for at the church starts Monday. Here's some pics of him with some of Kristine's handy-work using gauze:
EDIT: We didn't get the pictures made at Portrait Innovations this weekend. Kristine was afraid they would think she was a bad mother if someone saw the back of his head.
Speaking of handy-work, I've been keeping myself busy with a couple of little projects around the house. I was talking to a guy at work a few weeks ago about HDTV, and he said you could build an antenna using wire coat hangars to receive over-the-air HD broadcasts. I was skeptical, so I did a little research on the internet. You know, you can believe anything that's on the internet, right? I found a video on YouTube that showed how to make the antenna, so I got to building. All I had to buy was a $6 transformer from Radio Shack. I hooked it up to the TV, and I couldn't believe it. I was getting Fox, NBC, and CBS just by placing it behind the TV. I couldn't get ABC, so I figured if I could get the antenna higher it might work better. So I ran coaxial cable to the attic and attached the antenna to a board up there. Now we're getting Fox, NBC, CBS, NBC, NBC-Weather, WB, and some other channels I don't recognize. Here's a pic of my masterpiece hanging in the attic:
Free HD! No more satellite outages during storms!
We've also been looking into getting a baby monitor. These things are pricey, so I decided to get a bit more creative. You can get a wireless camera from Best Buy for a little over $100. It uses my wireless network to send audio and video to any computer on my network, or I can watch by going to a webpage using the device's IP address. Pretty cool I thought, and much cheaper than that crap they sell at Babies R Us. It can even start recording when detecting motion, and email the video to me. This may get some use when (or if) we're ever away for a few days since I can move it anywhere as long as it has reception and a plug. Here it is temporarily sitting on Jacob's crib:
Not exactly high quality, but here's a low-light snapshot from the camera:


Anonymous said...

I hate to hear about Jacob's head. Hope it heals well.

Misty May and Walsh in HD. Nothing better than that! Gegity gegity goo!

As for the wireless camera. That is a great idea until little man can pull up. Then, it is history. Make sure the cord isn't within reach too.

Matt said...

Yeah, we'll attach the camera to the crib for now. But once he starts standing up, we'll move it to a shelf or something that is out of reach. And his head isn't as bad as the pictures may imply. Kristine just got a bit over-ambitious with the gauze, and we thought he looked funny all wrapped up like a mummy.

Anonymous said...

She should of kept going over the nose and around the chin for the mummy effect.

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