Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's been a busy couple of weeks....

With Kristine going back to work, we've been pretty busy. It seems there's hardly any time to do anything other than go to work, come home, cook dinner while trying to keep Jacob from having a fit, and go to bed. All of this at the same time we're trying to keep Jacob on a somewhat regular feeding schedule so we can get to bed before midnight. Thankfully, he's actually started to make it until about 4am every night. But it sure is hard to get back up at 6 when you just lied back down at 4:30.
I haven't had as much time to take as many pictures lately, but here's a few and a video of Jacob "dancing" on his play mat. You might notice that he's actually starting to outgrow some of his outfits (the dinosaur onesie). Kristine is planning on taking him to Portrait Innovations next weekend for his 3 month pictures, so we should have plenty of new pics next week.
(I have updated the pics so they are no longer linked from Photobucket. They should be better quality now, and you can click on them to enlarge. I couldn't upload directly to the blog last night for some reason.)


Anonymous said...

He really is a good looking fella. Sounds like you guys have this thing down. You should consider having another now!

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