Monday, September 1, 2008

Toying with Kitty

Our cat really likes spaghetti noodles. Actually, to say she likes them is a bit of an understatement. She seems to have a sixth sense to know when we are cooking anything that involves pasta, and will stand at the stove begging for a noodle until we give her one. And by give her one, I mean wait until a noodle is nice and sticky and throw it at her so it sticks to her back. Good times! Well, since she is scared of Jacob, we wondered if she would take a piece of spaghetti from him. She was cautious, but her curiosity got the best of her. Now we just have to teach Jacob how to throw.
Playing dress-up with Kristine and Nana:
Trying out the "Bumbo" seat:
Toy overload:


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